Thursday, October 19, 2006

हिन्दी मे लिखने की क्रान्ति !!!

बहुत दिन से मै कोशिश कर रहा था। अब सफलता हाथ लगी है। अब मै हिन्दी मे भी लिख सकता हू। बहुत खुशी मिली थी। आज लिनक्स की एक अौर ताकत का पता चला है। यह एक अलग ही मजा है। कुछ अलग करने की मेरी चाह मे यह फिर एक उप्लब्धि है। बस अब देर नही की हर आदमी लिनक्स को अपनाए। आज नही तो कल यह होगा ही, अौर तब मै मानून्गा कि मै कुछ काम कर रहा हू।
वैसे हिन्दी मे कुछ अलग ही बात है। जब हमारा देश ही हमे ना समझ पाए तो एेसी अन्ग्रेजी किस काम की। यह एक महत्वपूर्ण बात है जो अभी कोई समझ नही रहा है। पर मै मानता हू कि देर सवेर यह बात सबको समझ आ जाएगी, अौर जिस दिन ऐसा हो गया उस भारत के विकास की जो गति होगी वह कोई सोच भी नही सकता अभी।
आज जितना काम हो रहा है localisation पर वह ज्यादा लोगो को पता नही है, पर जब पता लगेगा तो सब हैरान रह जाएगे, जैसे मै हुआ था। आौर तब सबको मानना ही पङेगा कि हिन्दी विश्व विख्यात भाीशा (गलती के लिये माफी दे) है।
आईऐ हम सब इस शुभ काम को साथ मिलकर करे।
** कुछ गलति करी है मैने जिसके लिये माफी चाहून्गा अौर कोशिश करूगा की अगली बार यह ना हो। **

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Ever met angels??? I did !!!

Yeah, I know it sounds strange but my experience with Pandey Sir tempts me to write all this. People with thinking like he has are difficult to come across and specially at his age. He is always talking about the welfare of others. He says he doesn't need money,just provide him with sufficient money so as to make his living possible. He says that he wants to do atleast something in life and that should be such that he should be happy with that after all. These days he's greatly involved in the work for the poor people. Localisation is one thing he's looking upon as the next major task. He wants to take open source softwares to the rural world. he wants that all goan walahs even to know and can use the technology. No one should be devoid of knowledge.
I have been deeply impressed by the way he talks and whatever he thinks . I mean you can just hear to his talks. You just cannot ignore him. He is so impressive and clear in his views that any one can be impressed in the first blow itself.
Frankly speaking I haven't met anyone till date who really wants to work for the society and that too by heart. Lets see how much successful he can be. And in fact wish him all the luck for the future. Amen...

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Installation done !! Now move ahead

Last night I was too sleepy to write this part so ...... Anyways, now that you are started with the

machine you must be wanting to play music and your favourite videos. So you need to know the

names of some of the players as well as the plugins needed. Here's the list

Exclusively Audio file players

1. Amarok-- my favourite
2. Xmms
3. Rythmbox Music player


1. Kaffeine--- my favourite
2. VLC player
3. Mplayer
4. Totem music player
5. Xine

I think these many are sufficient for a good music buff. The plugins that are neccessary are

1. Alsa
2. Gstreamer ( gstreamer0.8-plugins3 , gstreamer0.8-lame, gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg )
3. Lame
4. Sox
5. w32 codecs
6. libdivx4linux
7. ffmpeg
8. mpeg-tools
9. vorbis-tools
10. gst-register-0.8

The packages will be there in the synaptic package manager (System-> administration-> synaptic

package manager). Dont worry if you find them. There are other ways to do them too. W32 as of

now I have seen seems to missing in some of the pc's. For that you can run the following code in

the terminal after making sure that synaptic or any other updates are not taking place. The code is

$wget -c"

The dollar sign will be there beforehand so neglect that.

This will copy the w32 codecs for you an save them in .deb form . In my case it was saved in

/home/abhinav . So you can see that directory first to make sure its downloaded (obviously

replacing abhinav with your login name). Go to the downloaded directory and type the following


$dpkg -i w32codecs_20060611-1plf1_i386.deb

and voila your codecs should be installed. Mind it the name above w32.... is the name of the

package I got. You may get some other name too.

I think thats all about I need to tell about multimedia etc. One important thing for synaptic to work

is do this

$sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

You will be prompted for password. Enter that. Then edit the file as follows

remove "#" sign from lines which includes a hyperlink. Also remove "in" from the hyperlinks. For

eg , you may be seeing something like

# deb-src http://in.archive...... .com

This should be changed to

deb-src http://archive..... .com

I think I am quite clear. The above step has to done for all similar lines. Also you might be seeing

some lines ending with "universe". Just add " multiverse" after a space to universe. You should

find 4 such places. Just save the file after doing the above. And them start synaptic pkg manager.

Make the neccessary changes in the network settings (if needed). And then press reload. Some package downloading should start. When thats complete you should find 18880 packages listed or maybe 18872, in some cases. Find this figure on the bottom left corner. When thats done, just search for the packages written above and more of your choice and wow thats all required.
This seems long if you read, but believe me it took 5 minutes actually to a new person who has even a little bit of common sense (quite rare these days though).
If any help is required apart from that written feel free to contact me @ 9891435589.
Thats enough on my part. Now you gotta job on hand dear. Go ahead and enjoy Ubuntu.

The big installation problem

hi all
This post is not because I wish to write but because I am forced to do it by none other than by myself. Its been a lot of time I have been installing ubuntu desktops and so I thought to write it here for all u people who wish to do so. Wasting not much time I would start. the order may vary as I cant recall the exact order but it will give u complete info. Here it goes :
1. Select the language for installation--- for obvious reasons select english
2. Select ur keyboard layout--- American english to b selected
3. Select time zone - calcutta
4. Editing the partition table---- the most important step
[i] Select "manually edit partition table".
[ii] You have to make sure that u know which of your partitions are empty (atleast 5 gb needed)
[iii] Select that partition and select " delete the partition"
[iv] Now you must be having free space (lets suppose its 10 gb)
[v] Select " create new partition " . select the size of new partition (9.5 gb in this case). select partition type to EXT3. Give the mount point as root, denoted by "/". You should format the partition too (as a option is there and no harm in doing that).
[vi] Select the rest space (500 mb in this case) for swap area (partition type). The swap area should not be more than more than twice the ram. The swap area acts like a virtual memory for the computer.
[vii] Finally " finish changes and write changes to disk ".
[ix] By now the installation should start and hopefully continues smoothly.
5. You should be prompted for username and password in the meantime, filling which should not be a problem.

Just follow these steps and the system should be ready
More details would be posted later as now i m feeling sleepy. Get back to u guys later