Thursday, March 08, 2007

Who is to be blamed?

Yesterday I was travelling on an unregistered bike in Delhi. Though I knew it was too risky but the job was worth the risk. Finally we got caught on our return journey.
As always we thought that putting in our license was not relevant so we offered the policeman, money. After some denials he too kept it and we escaped a rupees thousand fine. We moved ahead happily and didn't turn back.
But very soon I had the thought process again taking place! Were we right in bribing him ? I mean obviously it was illegal but what else could we do? We took a bike with no papers at our own risk, because no other bike was available in the hostel. Then, we went for fest work and not our personal work. We students how can we pay so much fine? Especially those who are from different places? This is what first view says where I justify myself.
Now second view says that I am one of those people who are spreading corruption in my country. If I bribe then why shouldn't others do? And then why shouldn't they take? All in all corruption from the grassroot level! And so if politicians commit scams we should not complain ! Isn't it?
Now I am not sure what the correct way is all I know is that I committed some crime and one of those who spread corruption in my country...


Unknown said...

well....again its an endless topic... feeling sleepy rt nw..
wil defntly ur articles r really gud..keeps posting..n keep me busy..

Abhinav Sahai said...

waiting 4 d cmnt