Saturday, November 11, 2006

Golden days remembered

Just half an hour earlier I was at the volleyball court .The recently built court prompted me to play again and this time I did not stop and ended up with pulling a lot of crowd.
Playing has always been fun for me and I have loved to play since I was 5 years old (as I can recall). I just never seem to get tired while playing, be it cricket, basketball or volleyball for that matter. I can't control myself either. Infact today I played both the games, volleyball as well as basketball (also after 5 years). Hah I really enjoyed.
Playing has brought about a change in me. No, its not for my good but for my bad instead. Yes, I know it very well. My patience has again and again been tested and I have become short tempered again. I left the volleyball court without saying anything to anyone. My desire and my will to win has brought about this change in me. Actually I can't see myself losing and specially because of some one else's fault.
My seriousness in whatever I do is like a boon for me, but when those involved with me are not as serious as me then I just start losing my patience. May be I expect too much from others but its all about team work and when people fall after taking responsibility then it just hurts me in the brain straightaway and those silly excuses just take me to my extremes. The class 8 Abhinav Sahai takes over and the days when I just never lost in anything get over me.
Maybe this may help me somewhere. But as of now I just wanna get over this. Let's see if it's for my good. After all "Everything happens for our own good."

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